An Unofficial List of 2SLGBTQ+ & BIPOC Children Picture books from a Parent who uses They/Them Pronouns

6 min readJun 23, 2020


Pride is a Protest and #BlackLivesMatter

If you like this article my venmo & wish to support my labor it is @mariposa415, as I am solo supporting a family and my twitter and IG is @solomemehood.

Its June. Its Pride Month. Its Pride Month during Coronavirus. Its Pride Month while we are looking at our skin privilege and more than ever people are agreeing that Black Lives Matter. Within this folks asked me to make this list as I am a openly solo Two-Spirit Queer parent who uses They/Them pronouns exclusively of a 4yr old who currently uses They/Them pronouns exclusively for a long time, so here is the list. All books are written by at least one author who is openly somewhere on the Queer Rainbow and a BIPOC Author. I did this because every-time I saw a Queer Children's Book list online it was either all Queer authors who are white or were mainly white. Many of those lists are not curated by Queer Parents, much less a Two-Spirit Parent who uses they/them pronouns.

  1. 47,000 Beads

Homophobia, transphobia, heterosexism, cissexism were all imported here via colonization. So its important that this first book to share is by Two 2-Spirit Authors about a Two-Spirit lead Character. In fact this voice rarely ever hear in U.S. Children’s picture books, that this is the only book that I know of that has 2-Spirit authors writing about a Two-Spirit Main Character and Two-Spirit elder! So it the only book! It is important to show intersections to children with race, gender identity, and culture. Again, this is the only childrens picture book written by 2spirit authors with 2spirit characters. I personally curate a two-spirit kids storytime in the San Francisco Public Library System, and this is our showcase book of that storyhour. This truly is the best book on this list.

2. Cuando Amamos Cartamos, When We Love Someone, We Sing to Them

This book is a bilingual Spanish/English that also uses Nahuatl words, an indigenous language from the south. The illustrator and author are both Queer People of Color, which is not commonplace in Children’s picture books. This is a beautiful story of how a son’s father teaches him a song to serenade another boy. The main character tells his father “Teach me a song for a boy who loves boys.” This is truly a beautiful story of how a father loves his son no matter whom he loves.

3. They She He Me: Free to Be!

This is all about Pronouns and how folks of all different genders use all different kinds of pronouns. This as an adult reader might be challenging for you and thats great, because we need to dispel the myths and stereotypes that only certain gender expressions must be certain pronouns. This is a great book for Adults and kids to learn from (You can read as a follow up)

4. The Boy and the Bindi

This book is about a gender creative South Asian boy who loves his Mom’s bindi. This book is about his journey wearing a bindi in relation to his gender expression. It is rare we get to read a children’s book about this intersection of being gender creative and South Asian.

5. Large Fears

I LOVE how this book is written by Myles E. Johnson, a Queer Black author writing about the intersections of the main character navigating intersections and fears. Jeremiah, the main character wants to go to Mars, because they feel so different than other Black boys that they know. Jeremiah likes the color pink, and other things that Jeremiah feels alienate him from other Black boys that he knows. This is a book that beautiful breaks down the role of fear, intersections, and difference within one’s cultural group and breaks down binary gender stereotypes associated with masculinity and homophobia within one’s own cultural group.

6. The Gender Wheel

Another AMAZING book from Maya Christina Gonzalez! This book offers a very organic and holistic approach to look at gender. This is great for the classroom or just at home. There is also a “Playing with Pronouns” card deck that me and my little just love to play with!

7. From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea

This is an amazing book that describes gender fluidity by an amazing Trans Asian woman author. This book uses They/They pronouns for the main character, this is a rarity in Children’s picture books. This book talks about how a baby from at birth has experienced gender fluidity and how from birth their parents supported and loved them. It also shares what its like to feel marginalized at school because of your gender expression and gender identity.

Here is Julie Andrews reading this book outloud if you would like to listen to the audio first before buying:

8. Indian Canyon: A Mutsun Ohlone Coloring Book

If we are on stolen unceded Native land then we need to be learning about it right? and so do our kids correct? This book has tribal maps that teaches land acknowledgement and kids can see and learn how to spell words in Mutsun Ohlone. This is the only book that is a coloring book and doesnt have a 2SQTPOC character but the creator Kanyon Sayers-Roods is Two-Spirit. L.Frank is also a Two-Spirit Elder and was part of the creation process of this coloring book.

9. The Love by Alphabet Rockers

Cant have amazing books without having amazing music right? This album was written by 2S/Trans/Genderfluid/Nonbinary/Agender/gendernonconforming kids/adults of color who live everyday in a world that doesnt reflect us, so Alphabet Rockers asked to collaborate and collaborate we did! Listen to Trans kids on the track, Genderfluid/Non-binary rappers, Two-Spirit singers singing about the land the track was made on. This grammy-nominated album is so inclusive it will blow you mind away, that u wont even realize your listening to kids music and will jam to it without the kids! Also side note my baby and myself are singing and speaking on this album as well!

Here you go a short list, but its a beginning right? Its up to all of us to fill out the rest and please comment below what books you would like to see in this list!

If anyone found value in what i shared and would like to make a donation to the labor I gave please feel free to venmo me @mariposa415 as monetary supports supports me to write more medium articles of voices likes mines that are NEVER ever heard. The orgainizing I do is volunteer and not ever supported by grants. If anyone wants to follow me on social media thats a bit more public go to twitter or IG as @solomamihood . i am currently working on a patreon page right now and i can circle back and post it here when it goes live.

